Here is last Friday's newsletter. It was only sent to subscribers who indicated interest in beta releases.

Here we go:

New beta version out

We released the new beta version 1.1.04 yesterday and I’m really excited about it!

This was originally planned as bug fix release only. Some of those bug fixes were addressing issues when working with super huge databases (think 1000++ objects). While working on those bugs, we realized that only fixing the hard errors wouldn’t help much. The dreaded delay when opening a database would have made it still impossible to work with databases of that size.

The slow opening of databases has been reported frequently as the most critical pain-point with Ivercy. So we put some extra effort into finally addressing this issue. – I think we succeeded with it!

So if you want to try the new version, you can get if from our download page. (Scroll down for the beta versions.)

Please keep in mind: This is a beta release for now!

Reasons to use source code control

A small side note here: Last week I published the article 7 reasons to use source code control for Microsoft Access development on my private website.